Monday, January 19, 2009

Laredo Banquet

When I returned to the Laredo Banquet there was a show about to be presented. This was a group of local girls who were going to do a chorus dance. They were from the best families in the city. Seated at the banquet table was General Gonzalez Gonzalez from Mexico City, who had been getting drunk. When the girls came on the general thought it was a group from a whore house like he was accustomed to seeing in Mexico. So he left the table and staggered up to the chorus line to fondle one of the girls. Governor Teran of Tamalupis, who was at the banquet, knew the difference. He leaped up, grabbed general gonzalez gonzalez and dragged him back to his seat, and at the same time hissed something in his ear. This put an end to what would have been an international incident. The chorus line performed to strong applause, and the annual George Washington Birthday Celebration continued.

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